Alright so this would be my first blog in like ever, so here i go...
As of 2024 it'll be 4 years since i found the field of computer sicence and around 2 years i've been involved in the field of cyber security and i play CTF's with team bi0s, and i've come across a lot of CTF writeups from time to time, some of them are honestly pretty amazing, so i thought about making a blog. Initially i had the idea of making a blog using some static site generators like hugo, hexo etc but then i thought i do web exploitation in CTF's so learning some web dev frameworks wouldn't hurt, so i dropped the idea of having to use some other generators and i decided to create one from scratch. When it comes to web development we have a lot of options, too many!!!, So i finally settled with nextjs because of a few reasons one of them being that one of my seniors found a security vulnerability in it and advised me to learn the framework, i tried to learn the framework and couldn't understand anything so i decided to learn the framework in depth and to actually make a website in it . I endured my first obstacle that being inorder to learn nextjs i had to learn react basics also i decided to use typescript so i had to learn typescript as well.
I knew javascript beforehand so i had an upperhand while learning typescript also i had done programming in statically typed languages before so learning typescript was some what easier for me. I followed Mosh and WebDevSimplified from youtube and after some practice i was good with it, Still have a lot to learn about it but for the time being i had a good grasp.
I didn't knew anything about React, my knowledge of web dev went only upto html,css,js at that point so all of the concept was very new to me, inorder to learn react i went through a lot of resources, too many to remember in fact, off the top of my head i went through by WebDevSimplified on react on yt. After making some sample sites and going through the documentation several times i finally understood the "react way of thinking" and hence was good with it, or so i thought.
Ok finally completing the circle we back to nextjs after learning all its prerequisites yay!!!, Okay here i first i had to learn about what and why is nextjs and how is it supposed to be better than react in some circumstances this took me some time i couldn't wrap my head around the concept of nextjs i attribute that to my lack of knowledge in react. After finally getting the core aspect of nextjs, next step was to learn it, again a lot of options so i referred back to good old Mosh from youtube but i couldn't grasp anything from his video(obviously my skill issue), so i decided to switch to an alternate source of learning and came across a playlist created by Codeevolution on youtube i initially thought to skim through the entire playlist but after finishing almost 20 videos i was bored but learned some nextjs basics which was enough for me to get my feet wet with nextjs.
I had to learn this framework as well becuase it's famous lol, but on the actual note i liked the features that it brings to the table and i watched some tutorials only to realize that you don't have to refer to any tutorials to learn tailwindcss, just follow their documentation and this awesome website tailwindcss. So like that, that was also learned and done.
Now that every prerequisite was met, it was time to experiment with what i have learned over the past 2 weeks, i had some experience in linux desktop ricing(The art of making your linux desktop look stylish) so from that i knew that i had to make a design plan before proceeding so i fired up figma and started making a design and it turned up suprisingly well, so i started implementing it in nextjs/tailwindcss and after a lot of failed attempts and tries i had something working and it was looking good all that work was beginning to payoff. The ideas that i had for this page was inspired by zeyu2001 and ended up nothing like his website, but i liked the design so i went with it.
Now i went to work on the AboutMe page after making the design in figma after that i started to implement it in nextjs and I was able to cook it up in about ~3 hours which was good enough for me as i had only a little idea on what i was doing, and like that AboutMe page was set up with a nice type writer animation.
Alright now once the sidequests were completed it was time to take on the big guy that being the blog page itself i split the blog page into two sections one being the blog listing page and one being the page which actually renders the blog. I started working on the blog listing page, so i needed the total number of blogs in the server to generate that amount of blog cards on the listing page so for that i used this function.
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import matter from 'gray-matter';
export default function getPosts() {
const postsDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'src/app/blog/posts');
const folderYears = fs.readdirSync(postsDirectory);
let posts = [];
// Iterate over the folders in the posts directory which will be the years folder
for(let i=0; i<folderYears.length;i++){
// Get the folders inside the years folder
const folderNames = fs.readdirSync(path.join(postsDirectory, folderYears[i]));
// Iterate over the folders inside the years folder
for(let j=0;j<folderNames.length;j++) {
const fullPath = path.join(postsDirectory, folderYears[i], folderNames[j]) + '/page.mdx';
// Read the contents of the file
const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8');
// Parse the front matter
const {data, content} = matter(fileContents)
// Append the data object to the posts array
data.publishDate = new Date(data.publishDate)
// Order elements according to the date, that means the date which is recent will be first in the array and so on
posts.sort((a, b) => b.publishDate - a.publishDate);
return posts
So this guy fetches the total number of blogs in the posts directory and returns a js object, but in the blog card i also had to add font-matter and later parse it with gray-matter to get the metadata information from the blog post. So i added remarkFrontmatter as an MDX plugin and also added gray-matter as a dependency and then parsed the posts as shown in the script and after a lot of engineering i had a good looking finished blog listing page with some tailwind effects that I stole from the web.
Now for the final part of the blog that is the blog post itself, for it I used the wellknown MDX library in which you can also write JSX code as well, so after spending some time setting it up, I wrote my first successfully rendered markdown content after spending 4 hours fixing my code ;-; and from then on i implemented my custom components to use with MDX this allowed me to use the full power of MDX and TSX.I used rehypeSlug and highlightjs for getting the cool code highlighting in the blogpost . After setting that up i worked on setting up the index part for blogpost which lists what all sections are there in the blog post kind of like table of contents for the blog post, this part was tougher than i expected i had to specific id's for the html generated by MDX from the markdown content so for that i used the MDX plugin rehypeSlug, so now i can jump too specific part of the blogpost using scroll to text fragment via the anchor in the url. And then i parsed the subheadings from the markdown and generated an Index part for the website. The code for all that is this
// This util is used to generate the table of contents for the markdown files
// Read the markdown file
import fs from 'fs'
import Link from 'next/link';
export default function genTOC(title:string,year:string) {
const file = process.cwd() + '/src/app/blog/posts/'+year+'/'+title+'/'+'page.mdx';
// Parse the file to get subheadings
const fileContents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
// Get the subheadings
let subheadings = fileContents.match(/(?<=^## ).+/gm);
// Create the list in which if we click a subheading, we are taken to that part of the page
return (
<ul className='space-y-10'>
{subheadings?.map((subheading, index) => (
<li key={index}>
{/* Replace spaces with hyphens */}
{/* We need to match the id's generated by rehype slug so that's why we replace spaces with hyphens and lowercase */}
<div className='flex flex-row space-x-3 text-xl'>
<Link className='text-lg transform transition hover:-translate-y-2' href={`#${subheading.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase()}`}>
Pheww, after that part the blog was almost done, that took me around 4 weeks working 3-5 hours per day, in middle i went to south korea for a CTF finals so i wasn't able to work on the blog.
I learned a ton working on this blog, from cool frameworks like nextjs, react, tailwindcss to having extreme patience at times. In the end i'm glad that after a long time i was able to finish a project completly and satisfactorily.
Some people that i love to give credit for making this website happen are:
• Aneesh(For recommending me to learn nextjs)
• Codeevolution(playlist for nextjs)
• Mosh(typescript and react)
• WebDevSimplified(typescript,react,tailwindcss)
And a huge thanks to guy who created flexboxes.